Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Paradox of Libertarianism

From the archives, Tyler Cowen writes
Libertarian ideas also have improved the quality of government. Few American politicians advocate central planning or an economy built around collective bargaining. Marxism has retreated in intellectual disgrace.

Those developments have brought us much greater wealth and much greater liberty, at least in the positive sense of greater life opportunities. They’ve also brought much bigger government. The more wealth we have, the more government we can afford. Furthermore, the better government operates, the more government people will demand. That is the fundamental paradox of libertarianism. Many initial victories bring later defeats.

Much like solar power, libertarianism "eats its own lunch."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Greenwald's TED Talk

It's from 2014, but I'm placing it here as a bookmark for myself. I think Glen is the most courageous journalist of our time.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kasparov on Sanders

The eminent chess player writes

As long as Europe had America taking risks, investing ambitiously, attracting the world’s dreamers and entrepreneurs, and yes, being unequal, it could benefit from the results without making the same sacrifices. Add to that the incalculable windfall of not having to spend on national defense thanks to America’s massive investment in a global security umbrella. America doesn’t have the same luxury of coasting on the ambition and sacrifice of another country.

Who will be America’s America?
Read the whole thing. I am not sure if this if he's being overly critical of the Scandinavians, although I have also argued a similar point myself --- as far as I know, the only truly Scandinavian product I use is Skype.